There are several tips for creating a truly green home:
- There are utility companies and even private contractors that can provide you with an energy audit of your home. The main purpose of the audit is to tell you whether or not you are wasting energy. Ask your local waste management and junk removal company if they are offering such a service.
Change the regular lightbulbs that you have at your place with energy-efficient ones. CFL bulbs consume several times less energy than the conventional light fixtures, while at the same time they are more durable and definitely better for the environment.
- Change your water heater with an insulated one. Thus the water will cool much longer and the energy that is required for keeping the temperature up would be considerably reduced.
- Educate your children about eco-friendly living. Either way that is one of the best things that you can do for them. Teach them that when a certain appliance or piece of technology – the computer, the video-game or the TV- are not in use, it should be turned off.
- Make your family’s travel habits more eco-friendly by introducing the idea of carpooling or public transportation in the household. This is both save you a considerably amount of cash that you can invest in other things that you have been waiting for a long time, and reduce carbon emissions to the environment. Cheap and green – what more can one need?
- Learn water-saving techniques. In order to bring the water that is flowing through the taps at your home, we have to waste quite a bit of energy, so it is a rather irresponsible thing not to try to reduce the amount of water your household is using – after all, it is more than likely to be excessive. You can try take shorter showers, buy an energy and water-efficient dishwasher, turn off the shower when you are soaping or shaving etc. The opportunities are countless, you should just do a little research.
- If you want to go deep into the eco-friendly lifestyle, then you should reorganize your shopping habits as well. Instead of shopping several times a week from your closest supermarket, you should consider buying food and other products in bulk from your local open market, where local producers are presenting their goods. Those items and food will be much more eco-friendly than you might expect, and they will come at a competitive price, so there is no reason why you are not doing this now. Another thing that you should remember is to always bring your own bag when shopping. Tons of water are polluted for the production of a single plastic bag, so you are literally killing nature every time you purchase a new bag at the store.
- Look online for apps that will help you calculate your carbon footprint and decide to a what extend your current way of life and your home are green and environment friendly.